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Design choices

This guide serves as a loose explanation of some design choices made during the development of BlocksDS.

A supplementary good source for understanding its design choices is the BlocksDS issue tracker, where many were and continue to be openly discussed.

1. Standardized binary build of the GCC compiler

Existing builds of GCC used for embedded development come with various, often not fully matching C/C++ standard libraries. The compatibility issues and added support headache make relying on user-provided GCC a non-viable option.

Conversely, requiring the user to build GCC is a long and not-too-easy process that doesn’t give big advantages over providing binary builds. It would make setting up the SDK a more fragile and time-consuming process.

LLVM/Clang has also been evaluated, but as of writing it (LLVM 18) appears to generate worse-performing machine code on NDS than GCC (13). This has not been extensively tested, however.

Therefore, in order to take advantage of per-CPU optimizations and to have a robust toolchain, it has been decided to standardize on a custom binary build of GCC. For this purpose, BlocksDS relies on a courtesy build provided by the Wonderful toolchain’s infrastructure.

2. Easy toolchain modification and rebuilds

Often, SDKs come with pre-built libraries - users only need to build them manually if they want to modify them. It is the more convenient route for most, and the Wonderful toolchain’s infrastructure currently provides it for BlocksDS users.

However, part of the reason for creating this SDK was to show users how easy it actually is to modify any part of the code in your program. As such, one can easily build (make) and use (export BLOCKSDS) a custom variant of the BlocksDS SDK. This is a quick process (under a minute on most modern machines for a full rebuild) which allows hands-on tinkering with it.

The exceptions are picolibc (standard C library) and libstdc++ (standard C++ library), which are fairly difficult to build reliably. They are, as such, provided by the toolchain.

3. Using picolibc over newlib

The C library picolibc is used in BlocksDS instead of newlib. The reasons are:

  • Clearer licensing: The maintainer of picolibc has ensured that all of the code in the library has consistent BSD-style licensing. Even though non-BSD code was not linked in a typical embedded build, it provides additional peace of mind.

  • Standard thread-local storage: newlib utilizes a custom re-entrancy structure for those C library functions which have thread-dependent state. Conversely, picolibc uses standard thread-local storage mechanisms provided by the compiler.

  • Additional optimizations: picolibc modifies many aspects of newlib which help reduce code size and thus memory usage. In particular, tinystdio is a much leaner implementation of POSIX-compatible standard I/O which omits features not typically necessary in an embedded environment.

  • Compatibility: picolibc is a fork of newlib, and so is largely compatible with it at the user application level.

The main disadvantage I’ve seen is that the documentation of picolibc about porting it to a new system is worse than the one of newlib.

Other C library alternatives with more convenient licensing have been evaluated, such as PDCLib, but as of writing (May 2024) have been deemed insufficiently complete for production use in the context of BlocksDS.

4. Standard C library port

picolibc only provides the generic functionality of the standard C library. For example, it provides versions of memset() or strlen() that are functional. However, it can’t access any OS services, so functions like malloc() or fopen() don’t work right away. It is needed to port them to the platform.

libnds is the library that has the drivers to access the SD card, that provides argc and argv to main(), and that knows where to locate the heap memory used by malloc().

For example, for malloc() to work, picolibc expects the port to provide a function called sbrk(). This function needs to get information from libnds to work. The glue code between picolibc and libnds is in libnds, in source/arm9/libc.

The extent of this support is documented in this document.

The reason to keep this as a separate library, instead of adding it to picolibc as a target, is to make updating picolibc mostly independent from refactors in libnds.

5. Filesystem support

This section will describe how the filesystem support has been implemented in libnds. Check this document if you’re interested in the C standard functions that are supported.

Filesystem support requires 3 things:

  • Something that provides POSIX file I/O functions, like fopen(). This is done by picolibc.

  • Something that reads and writes raw bytes from the SD card. This is done by libnds.

  • Something that understands the raw bytes read from the SD card and interprets it as a FAT filesystem. This is done by a modified version of Elm’s FatFs library, which is included in libnds as a submodule.

Also, it is needed to provide glue code between the 3 components. For example:

picolibc provides fopen(), and expects the user to implement open(), which should work like the Linux system call open. open() must have code that calls functions in FatFs to do the right thing. In this case, open() translates its arguments to arguments that f_open() from FatFs can understand.

Internally, f_open() requires a function called disk_read(), which calls libnds functions to read raw bytes from the SD card. Reading raw bytes is complicated. If you’re running the code on a DSi, and you want to read from the internal SD card, you need one specific driver. If you are running the code from a DS slot 1 flashcart, for example, the instructions of how to read from the SD card are provided as a DLDI driver. f_open() must determine the location of the file (based on the filesystem prefix, fat: or sd:) and use DLDI driver functions or DSi SD driver functions accordingly.

6. NitroFS implementation

When creating a game, it is needed to add a lot of assets such as graphics and music. Initially, most people just include them in their ARM9 binary, but this is a bad idea. ARM7 and ARM9 binaries are loaded into RAM. There are only 4 MiB of available memory (actually, a bit less than that, some RAM is used for things like a hook to exit to the loader). The ARM9 is loaded in full to RAM. On top of that, you also need RAM for your program to work. This means that, in most cases, you’re limited to 1 or 2 MiB binaries. This isn’t enough for larger projects. There is the option to provide a folder with all your assets and tell your users to copy it to their SD card, but this is messy.

The solution is to append a filesystem to the .nds file. On the DS platform, a filesystem format called NitroROM is traditionally used. There is a library that can be used to access this filesystem, called libfilesystem (formerly known as Nitrofs). The problem is that this library’s licensing status in unclear. As such, instead of using this library, BlocksDS has a compatible reimplementation of NitroFS.

Accessing the filesystem itself is tricky.

Commercial games access their own data by issuing card read commands. These only work on emulators and official cartridges. Flashcarts typically rely on patching specific instruction sequences, which is not viable for homebrew projects. The solution, instead, is argv.

When it is initialized, NitroFS checks if argv[0] has been provided and if it can be opened. argv[0] is a path to the executable .nds file being run. For example, it may look like fat:/games/my-game.nds.

First, NitroFS will try to open the file using FatFs. If it can be opened, whenever fopen() is called with a path that starts with nitro:/, FatFs will read blocks from the file in argv[0] with fseek() and fread(). This route is typically used on cartridges and to read from SD cards.

If this fails, the Slot-2 cartridge memory area is checked. This is provided solely for compatibility with very legacy execution methods.

If this fails, Slot-1 card read commands will be attempted. This approach is provided for compatibility with emulators which do not emulate a full FAT storage device and the DLDI protocol required for homebrew filesystem access.

This system makes it possible to use the bundled filesystem to read assets in a transparent manner. The developer doesn’t need to worry about the method of execution used for their homebrew; on the vast majority of platforms, it will be handled transparently.

7. Multithreading

The original libnds did not support any kind of multithreading. This made it impossible to fully utilize the CPUs of the NDS during blocking operations. For example, it wasn’t possible to offload file operations to the ARM7 while the ARM9 continued to execute code; the ARM9 had to be stalled until the operation was complete.

BlocksDS supports cooperative multithreading in the form of cothreads. By integrating it with libnds, it is possible for functions like fopen or fread to switch to a different thread while they are waiting for the SD card to finish reading a block.

DLDI on the ARM7

While accessing the internal SD card on the DSi is performed on the ARM7, DLDI drivers used by cartridges are traditionally executed on the ARM9. However, as they are executed synchronously, this stalls the CPU whenever a file operation is performed, prohibiting the use of multithreading.

As a workaround, BlocksDS supports moving DLDI execution to the ARM7 sub CPU; this should be compatible with many, but not all cartridges. Feel free to read this document for more information.