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This is the easiest option, but you may not get the latest version of the SDK right away.

  1. You will also need to install the ARM toolchain of Wonderful Toolchains. Follow the instructions in this link:

  2. Now, install the ARM toolchain of Wonderful Toolchains, as well as the BlocksDS packages.

    export PATH=/opt/wonderful/bin:$PATH
    wf-pacman -Syu
    wf-pacman -S toolchain-gcc-arm-none-eabi

    Install the following if you plan to develop binaries for the DSP of the DSi:

    wf-pacman -S toolchain-llvm-teak-llvm

    For the latest stable version of BlocksDS, run:

    wf-pacman -S thirdparty-blocksds-toolchain

    To install the documentation and examples you can install:

    wf-pacman -S thirdparty-blocksds-docs

    For the latest unstable version, install the following packages instead:

    wf-pacman -S thirdparty-blocksds-git-toolchain \
  3. (Optional step) You can also install some third party libraries like NightFox’s Lib and Nitro Engine using wf-pacman:

    wf-pacman -S thirdparty-blocksds-nflib \
  4. wf-pacman installs BlocksDS in /opt/wonderful/thirdparty/blocksds/. This isn’t the standard location (wf-pacman can only write files to /opt/wonderful/) so you need to do one of the two following options:

    1. Create a symlink:

      ln -s /opt/wonderful/thirdparty/blocksds /opt/blocksds
    2. Set your environment variables correctly:

      export BLOCKSDS=/opt/wonderful/thirdparty/blocksds/core
      export BLOCKSDSEXT=/opt/wonderful/thirdparty/blocksds/external
  5. Whenever you need to update the SDK, run:

    wf-pacman -Syu