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Filesystem support

1. Introduction

BlocksDS supports using standard C functions to access the filesystem. It is possible to use them to access both the SD cards of flashcarts, and the internal SD slot of the DSi. This code is integrated in libnds, so you don’t need to do anything special to use it.

Add the following to your project:

#include <fat.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    bool init_ok = fatInitDefault();
    if (!init_ok)
        // Handle error

    // Rest of the code

This function whether it’s running on a regular DS or a DSi.

  • DS: It will try to use DLDI to initialize access to the SD card of the flashcart. If it isn’t possible it returns false. If it succeedes, it returns true.

  • DSi: It will try to initialize access to the internal SD slot, and the SD of the flashcart. It will only return false if the internal slot of the DSi can’t be accessed, and it will return true if it can.

The initial working directory is “fat:/” on the DS (DLDI), and “sd:/” on DSi. On the DSi it is possible to switch between both filesystems with chdir().

It is also possible to embed a filesystem in the NDS ROM with NitroFS. This is a good way to keep all the assets and code of your game as one single file. You can access files in this filesystem by using the drive name nitro:/ in any path provided to the C library functions.

#include <filesystem.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Call fatInitDefault() here if you want.

    bool init_ok = nitroFSInit(NULL);
    if (!init_ok)
        // Handle error. You probably want to hang here if NitroFS can´t be
        // read, because all of your assets will be unavailable. Another
        // option is to return from main() or call exit() to return to the
        // loader.

    // Rest of the code

Check this example to see how to use NitroFS.

2. Supported functions

You may use functions such as fopen, fread, fwrite, fseek, fclose, stat, rename, truncate, mkdir, unlink, access, chdir, getcwd. fstat works, but a limitation: it doesn’t have access to the modification date of the file, while stat does.

You can also use open, read, write, lseek and close, but this isn’t as common.

The dirent.h functions to read the contents of directories are available: opendir, closedir, readdir, rewinddir, seekdir, telldir.

It’s easy to find information online about how to use all of them. If any specific function isn’t supported, raise an issue to request it.

3. Running on hardware

If your flashcart doesn’t do it automatically, patch your ROM with the DLDI patcher. Most flashcarts do this automatically.

4. Running on emulators

Filesystem access works in several emulators. The following ones have been tested:

  • melonDS: The ROM runs in DS/DSi mode.
  • no$gba: The ROM runs in DSi mode. A FAT image needs to be used.
  • DeSmuMe: The ROM needs to be DLDI patched, it only runs in DS mode.


melonDS supports both DLDI in DS/DSi modes, and the internal SD in DSi mode.

It supports using a folder as a base for the SD of the DSi, or for a DLDI device for DS.

Open “Emu settings”. The “DSi mode” and “DLDI” tabs let you select the folders to use as root of the filesystems (or the filesystem images to be used, if you prefer that).


no$gba supports DSi mode. You must generate a FAT filesystem image with tools/imgbuild. The sample Makefile of the provided templates have a target that lets you do this automatically. Open the Makefile and set the variables SDROOT and SDIMAGE. To build the image, run:

make sdimage

no$gba requires that the image is called and is located in the same directory as no$gba. Set SDIMAGE to <path-to-folder>/ to avoid renaming the file all the time.

Then, open no$gba as normal.


It supports DS mode only. Run the following command when building the ROM:

make dldipatch

This will patch the ROM with the DLDI driver of the R4, which is required for the emulator to access the filesystem.

You will need to set the “Slot 1” configuration to “R4”, and set the directory to the folder that will act as root of your filesystem. If using DeSmuMe with a graphical interface, the settings can be found in “Config > Slot 1”. If using it through the command line, run it like this:

desmume --slot1=R4 --slot1-fat-dir=<path-to-folder> <path-to-rom>.nds