arm9 Directory Reference


directory  peripherals
directory  teak


file  background.h
 NDS background defines and functionality.
file  boxtest.h
 3D box test dunctions.
file  cache.h
 ARM9 cache control functions.
file  arm9/card.h
 Slot-1 and Slot-2 ARM7 read functions.
file  console.h
 NDS stdio support.
file  dynamicArray.h
 A dynamically resizing array for general use.
file  exceptions.h
 Functions to handle hardware exceptions.
file  grf.h
 Functions to load GRF files.
file  guitarGrip.h
 Slot-2 Guitar Grip controller support.
file  image.h
 An image abstraction for working with image data.
file  arm9/input.h
 NDS button and touchscreen input support.
file  keyboard.h
 Integration of stdin with a simple keyboard.
file  linkedlist.h
 A simple doubly linked, unsorted list implementation.
file  math.h
 hardware coprocessor math instructions.
file  ndsmotion.h
 DS Motion Card/DS Motion Pak functionality.
file  paddle.h
 Slot-2 Paddle controller support.
file  pcx.h
 A simple 256 color pcx file loader.
file  piano.h
 NDS Easy Piano option pack support.
file  postest.h
 Position Test Functions.
file  rumble.h
 Slot-2 Rumble.
file  sassert.h
 Simple assertion with a message that disappears if NDEBUG is defined.
file  arm9/sdmmc.h
 SDMMC ARM9 module.
file  sound.h
 A simple sound playback library for the DS.
file  sprite.h
 NDS sprite helpers.
file  trig_lut.h
 Fixed point trig functions. Angle can be in the range of -32768 to.
file  video.h
 Contains the basic defnitions for controlling the video hardware.
file  videoGL.h
 Video API vaguely similar to OpenGL.
file  window.h
 Definitions for sprite and background windows.